Minors One Page Overview

Syracuse University considers the safety and well-being of youth program participants to be important. Each
University program sponsor must consider the impact of all activities conducted during the course of a camp or
enrichment program and must appreciate the risks and legal responsibilities. This includes taking appropriate
measures to manage program participants’ potential exposure to reasonable, foreseeable risks.
As part of its commitment to provide an open and safe campus environment for all, including minors, Syracuse
University needs to identify all programs, events and activities that serve, or otherwise engage, youth. Minors are
individuals under age 18 who are not matriculated University students. For laboratories, minors under age 13 are
limited to supervised tours only, and may not participate in any hands-on laboratory activities.


  • Minor:  An individual under age 18 who is not a matriculated student or employed by the University.
  • Responsible Program Person:  Main contact person who directs, plans, or coordinates the program involving minors.
  • Program:
    • Programs or activities sponsored, supervised, operated, controlled or managed by the University
      or an affiliate.
    • Hosted on University-owned, -operated or -controlled property.
    • Funded by the University or an affiliate


Steps for Compliance:

  1. Register the program
    • Visit youthprograms.syr.edu and log in with MySlice credentials to register the program.
    • All programs involving minors must register at least one month prior to the program’s start date.
  2. Complete required training
    • Options for the required SU sponsored training are available both online and in person.
    • All faculty, staff, students and any outside volunteers working directly with minors need a
    background check.
    • Needs to be completed prior to the start date of the program.
  3. Perform background checks
    • A background check is required for all faculty, staff, students and outside volunteers working directly
    with minors.
    • Background checks must be completed prior to the program’s start date.
  4.  Review operational requirements
    • This contains measures to take to ensure the safety of minors while in our care, including communication
    plans and emergency procedures.
  5. Review behavioral expectations
    • There are behaviors to be mindful of when working with minors, including permitted and prohibited
    contact, healthy, professional boundary setting and other behavioral situations.
  6. Report, if necessary
    • It’s not just part of your job, but it’s the right thing to do.


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