Minors Program Staff and Volunteer Behavioral Expectations

  1. Healthy, professional and appropriate boundaries. Minors program staff and volunteers need to follow the rule of three: at least one other adult or minor should also be present at all times in any interaction with a minor. Staff and volunteers must avoid personal, unsupervised interaction with minors (also known as “one-on-one contact”).
  2. Prohibited physical contact with minors. While the following is not intended to be an exhaustive list, the following types of physical contact between minors program staff or volunteers:
    1. Hugs
    2. Kisses
    3. Lap sitting for children above toddler or pre-school age
    4. Massages or rubs
    5. Piggyback rides
    6. Tickling
    7. Touches on the buttocks, chest, upper leg or groin (except when changing diapers)
    8. Wrestling
    9. Any intended affection unwanted by the minor
    10. Any touching conducted in private (i.e. no other adults or children present)
    11. Physical or sexual abuse of minors
  3. Additionally, minors program staff and volunteers will not do any of the following in the presence of minors:
    1. Use profanity
    2. Tell off-color jokes or banter suggestively
    3. Discuss personal problems or sexual experiences
    4. View sexually suggestive materials or make those materials available to minors
    5. Comment on other people’s bodies
    6. Use alcohol or illegal drugs, offer or provide alcohol or illegal drugs to minors,
      encourage the use of alcohol or illegal drugs, or allow the use of alcohol or other
      illegal drugs
    7. Engage in harassment or discrimination based on protected classes
    8. Share a hotel room (or similar lodging or accommodation) with a minor overnight
    9. Undress in the presence of minors
    10. Engage in inappropriate touching of a minor
    11. Use tobacco or other e-cigarette substitutes, including Juuls, or allow minors to do
    12. Post or share images of minors without parental and program director permission
  4. Minors program staff and volunteers should monitor interactions among minors and take steps to prevent or address any of the following conduct:
    1. Bullying
    2. Hazing
    3. Derogatory name-calling
    4. Ridicule or humiliation
    5. Truth or dare or similar games
    6. Sexual harassment or touching
    7. Harassment or discrimination based on protected classes
    8. Permitted physical contact with minors
  5. The University understands that physical contact between minors program staff or volunteers and minors can be essential to successful participation in a Minors Program, and to minors’ well-being and self-esteem. Any and all physical contact must be consensual. The following types of contact may be permitted in appropriate circumstances:
    1. Handshakes
    2. High-fives and hand slapping
    3. Pats on the shoulder or back
    4. Feeding and grooming of babies and toddlers (including diaper changes)
    5. Holding hands while escorting children below the age of 8
    6. Other brief contact intended to comfort distressed children below the age 12 so long as another adult is witnessing it
    7. Teaching a physical technique that literally requires hands-on instruction, such as hand position on a musical instrument or piece of sports equipment, so long as it is conducted in an open space, or room that is open and visible to passersby
    8. Assisting disabled minors who need assistance with a major life function, so long as at least one other person is present and observing
    9. Any contact to aid an injured minor or a minor in imminent danger of physical harm (such as a struggling swimmer)
    10. Separating minors involved in an altercation.
  6. The minors program should have written rules in place regarding the attendance of family or friends during the minors program.
    1. Unauthorized persons will not be allowed to interact with minors participating in the minors programs.
    2. Parents, family or friends who serve in a volunteer position must undergo background checks consistent with the requirements set forth at section III.B. of this policy.
  7. Minors programs shall maintain and distribute to participants and parents or guardians a minors program information sheet that contains contact information for the responsible program person and program contact.

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