Transitional Duty Program Basics

  1. Employee should discuss physical work requirements with treating provider.
  2. If during appointment treating physician recommends accommodations to be able to stay at work or return to work in your current role, employee should communicate with Risk Management after a medical appointment
  3. The Transitional Duty Team will evaluate the employee’s functional capabilities and match those capabilities with the demands of available temporary transitional assignments and to determine if job modifications are feasible to allow the employee to return to work.
  4. Placement considerations:
    • Transitional Duty Assignment within the home department (priority)
    • Transitional Duty Assignment outside current department
    • Remain out of work
  5. Duration of Transitional Duty will not exceed 10 weeks.  Limited extensions are considered on a case by case basis, based on the treating physician’s recommendations.
  6. Transitional Duty Assignments are regularly reviewed by the Transitional Duty Team to monitor for changes in the employee’s work capabilities and/or medical conditions.
  7. Employee should advise his or her supervisor or designated contact person of problems or concerns while performing assigned duties.
  8. The goal of the Transitional Duty Program is to return the employee to his or her regular duties as soon as his or her medical condition permits.